I absolutely love Amnesia: The Bunker—it’s gotten lost in the tangle of one of the best years for gaming in a long time, but The Bunker is quietly one of the best horror games I’ve ever played. Now Frictional Games is augmenting that already mondo-stressful experience with a surprise Halloween update and harder-than-hard “Shell Shock” mode.
Shell Shock strikes out every bit of refuge players have in The Bunker. You now have to collect fuses to restore electricity and turn on the lights in each of the bunker’s sub-levels, with only a lone, random area powered on to start the game. That means any preconceived “optimal” routes you might have come up with go out the window—you’re only safe when the lights are on (and the monster can still find you even then!) .
Other aspects of the game are randomized in Shell Shock as well, with lockers containing precious survival tools (and their corresponding lock combinations) scattered to the sublevels. Mutant rat-attracting corpses are scattered about willy nilly, the already hard-to-reach fuel storage room gets locked with a random combination, and just saving the game costs fuel now. You don’t even star…